Counter strike pc

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Once a player dies he has to wait till the end of the round to respawn in the next round. The terrorists must either plant the bombs or kill the hostages, while the Counter-Terrorists must either prevent the bombs from being planted, defuse the bomb, or rescue the hostages.

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Both sides are tasked with eliminating the other while also completing separate objectives. The game pits two teams against each other: the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists. The game involves players fighting against each other using a large, varied array of character specific attacks. The Counter Strike: Global Offensive will let the player literally live into the game. The amazing graphics and brilliant game controls allow you to reach the ultimate goal and enjoy the most thrilling gameplay ever. The first person shooter and objective based game pits two teams against each other: the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists with both sides tasked with eliminating the other while also completing separate objectives. The game with its all action gameplay engulfs you in its premise to give you an immersive experience into the world of virtual reality.

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Avid gamers are sure to be delighted with the brilliant Counter Strike: Global Offensive that boasts of stunning graphics and amazing gameplay to make it as visually emphatic as possible.